Mobility Services
Transit Planning

MARTA General Planning Consulting
Niti Systems will be supporting MARTA with a multi-year bench contract for their General Planning Consulting Professional Services (GPC). MARTA is the ninth largest transit system in North America with a daily ridership of over 500,000 people across various modes – including bus, rail and paratransit. We will support MARTA to ensure the successful completion of projects within the MARTA 2040 Program and other MARTA Department of Planning & Project Development activities. The MARTA 2040 Program encompasses projects across MARTA’s service area seeking to maintain and improve existing MARTA assets and expand MARTA’s ability to provide safe, multimodal transit services that advance prosperity, connectivity, and equity for a more livable region.
The Scope of Servicesfor the GPC contract include, but is not limited to, the following comprehensive functional Planning areas:
Area 1: Transit Corridor and Facility Planning Support Services
Area 2: Communications and Community Engagement Support Services Area 3: Transit Planning Support Services
Area 4: Policy Planning Support Services
Area 5: Community, Environment, and Innovation Support Services Area 6: Grant Writing Support

Contract Costa Transit General Planning Consulting
Niti Systems will be supporting CCTA for an On-Call Transportation Planning and Support Bench contract. This is a three (3) years contract with the option of two (2) one (1) year extensions. Our team will be supporting CCTA achieve its vision, goals, and strategies in developing and implementing plans and policies for carrying out Measure J and CMA responsibilities including preparation of evaluations, approaches, analyses, studies, programs, plans, and specific projects to address current and future transportation system network.
Our team will be supporting them with the Transportation Planning workstream and the following categories:
Transportation Planning
Countywide Transportation Plan
Growth Management Program
Congestion Management Program
Transportation Modeling & Data Analysis
Corridor & Planning Studies
Community-based Transportation Plan
Urban Planning & Architecture
Multi-modal System
Travel/Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Strategies
Transit Priority

Atlanta Area Transit Link Authority (ATL) General Planning and Technology Services
Niti team has been selected by theAtlanta Region Transit Link Authority (ATL)for a General Planning and Technical Services contract. ATL plays a key role for Atlanta Region’s transit landscape by managing the collaboration of transit efforts in the region. The contract is aimed at strengtheningATL’s purpose with five functional areas:
Coordinate Regional Partners
Strengthen Regional Transit Planning and Performance
Advance Strategic Transit Investments
Enhance Customer Service
Deliver Innovative and Best Practices in Transit

Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) General Planning Consultant (GPC) Bench Contract
Niti team has been selected by the Chicago Transit Authority for a bench contract to provide General Planning Consultant (GPC) Services. TheGPCservices will support CTAPlanning Department with planning and implementation of transit initiatives, studies, and projects. The scope areas and various roles to supporteachareaare listed below”
Service Planning–Project Manager, Lead Planner, Lead Modeler
Scheduling–Project Manager, Lead Scheduler
Data Analysis & Technology-Project Manager, Principal Analyst, GIS Technician
Public Involvement-Project Manager, Public Outreach Coordinator, Graphic Designer
Market Research & Strategy-Project Manager, Principal Analyst, Field Survey Coordinator
Transit Oriented Development-Project Manager, Architect/Lead Urban Designer, Lead Land Use and Zoning Planner, Lead Market Analyst
Transit Financial Planning–Project Manager, Lead Financial Planner, Lead Market Analyst

JTA – Route Optimizations Initiative
Niti founder Jignesh Patel helped the Jacksonville Transportation Authority for a complete system redesign called Route Optimization Initiative (ROI). As part of the JTA IT Department, the Niti consultants worked closely with the Planning and Operations departments to design, engineer and build a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) initiative. This ROI project has greatly helped the JTA customers with transportation options that allow a timelier transit experience.

BJCTA – Comprehensive Operations Analysis (COA) and Transit Planning
Niti founder Jignesh Patel supported BJCTA with the development of a Short Range and Long-Range Transit Plan (LRTP). This plan, also referred to as a Unified Transit Development Plan and Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) allowed the agency to identify opportunities for enhanced/modified service, identify technology trends, identify funding sources, document the service gaps and create a database of that GIS information.

Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) – Regional Project Planning Database
Niti Systems consultants developed an efficient project database system for use by ARC team for project programming maintenance, generating project list reports, and regional federal fund balancing exercises. Our team performed an integration with GIS module to assist with visualizing the project locations. Our team performed a needs assessment, software technical review and functional review to create tailored recommendations for the system upgrade.

Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) – Georgia Commute Options Program
The Niti Systems team supported ARC with their Georgia Commute Option (GCO) program evaluation effort. This Transportation Demand Management (TDM) effort for the Atlanta metropolitan area consists of software evaluation, integration planning, CRM System/Ride matching software market research and project management support. The ARC TDM program consists of marketing, employer/property manager outreach, commuter outreach, and a suite of commuter incentives, which operates as the regional TDM brand, and seven local Transportation Management Associations (TMA) operating within specific employment centers.

WMATA Planning Support
Niti Systems is part of a team supporting WMATA’s on-call multi-disciplinary planning contract to support their diverse planning needs. Our team will support various departments and teams at WMATA including – Office of Planning (PLAN), Office of Bus Planning and Scheduling (BPLN), Office of Transit Assessment Management (TAMO), Office of Sustainability (SUST), Office of Capital Program Management (OCPM), Office of Performance (OPP) and Office of Strategic Initiatives (STIN).

San Francisco MTC – Governance Consultants Bench Contract
Niti Systems is supporting San Francisco MTC with strategies and recommendations to guide the recovery of public transit and its role in the region, as it adjusted to new conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are part of a pool of contract MTC selected to with various goals including – Improving Project-Level Governance, Support and Evaluation of Functional and Full Consolidations of Transit Agencies, Establishing New Sub-Regional and Regional Governance and Administration and Subject Matter Expertise (SME) to Multiple Areas of Transit Decision Making, Administration/Management and Operations.

Cobb County Transit (CCT) – On-Call Task Order Contracting
Niti Systems is part of a team that is supporting CCT with Transportation Planning and Environmental Services. The Niti team will assist CCT with a wide variety of scope, including traffic modeling, bicycle and pedestrian planning, mass transit planning, airport/aviation systems planning, small area studies, urban design plans, roadway operations planning, public involvement planning, transportation research, transportation demand management, development of application packages for Federal and state grants, and other duties related to the overall mission of CCDOT.

Gwinnett County – Comprehensive Transportation Plan
Niti Systems is supporting Gwinnett County with their Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) Update. The CTP Update will identify future transportation needs, projects that address those needs, and the advantages, costs, and potential funding sources for those projects. The CTP is paired with the Gwinnett County 2040 Unified Plan with an aim to define the long-term comprehensive vision for growth of the County, and a plan for investment in the County’s transportation system and other supporting infrastructure. The CTP will help the county plan for growth and needs for the near term, mid-range and long-range, with an ultimate horizon year of 2046.