State, Regional & Local Govt.
State Regional Local Govt Project

Palm Beach Transit (Palm Tran) – Technology Assessment
Niti Systems supported Palm Tran with an assessment of their major enterprise technology systems, along with a SWOT analysis to recommend future directions for these systems as well as for the technology department. The assessment focused on the agency’s Intelligent Transportation Systems, Enterprise System, Infrastructure and Business Processes.

City of Durham – Transit Fleet and Technology Support Services
Niti Systems will support City of Durham with Transit Fleet & Technology Support Services (FTSS) contract aimed at advance rolling stock and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects, with the goal of enhancing our overall customer service experience, ensuring proper fleet planning and maintenance, and properly planning for the procurement, installation, and integration (locally and regionally) of ITS. We will support the agency with Fleet Expansion and Revitalization, Research and Analysis, Asset Management, Bus Procurement Support, ITS Planning, and ITS procurement support.

Los Angeles Metro – Freeway Service Patrol Technology Assessment
Niti Systems founder Jignesh Patel led the Los Angeles County Metropolitan (LA Metro) Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) project for an in-depth technology assessment and prepared a technology strategic plan for their entire ITS setup, including software, hardware, communication system and business processes. In line with the FTA Systems Engineering approach, the team helped the agency develop their Regional ITS Architecture, Concept of Operation and Technical Specifications for the future system.

Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) ITS Implementation
Niti founder Jignesh Patel worked with Milwaukee Transit to help agency perform assessment of the current system limitations and options analysis. The Video and Audio quality of their current system did not meet MCTS needs, and footage could only be retrieved by manually retrieving hard drives from buses later. The team helped agency explore alternatives to select and procure a modern Mobile Video Surveillance System (MVSS) to replace their existing security camera system. The effort included development of technical specifications as well as procurement support and help with the project management as upcoming phases.

Maryland MTA – Fare Payment System Assessment
Niti Systems founder Jignesh Patel worked with the MTA to perform an in-depth assessment of their existing Fare Payment System. The assessment focused on the hardware/equipment, business processes, software solution, reporting system, fare media and regional integration. Upon successful delivery of the assessment report, Jignesh supported the agency with assessment of various options for system upgrade and provided recommendations for the future system, along with an implementation roadmap and innovative financing strategies.

Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) – Breeze Farecard Audit
Niti Systems founder Jignesh Patel helped the Atlanta Regional Commission with a Breeze farecard system Clearinghouse Audit and introduced Internal Controls. The Breeze Clearinghouse is a revenue settlement system used to determine and settle revenue transactions to and due from the various Atlanta Regional Transit Partners.

Atlanta Streetcar, Inc.- Mobile Solutions
Niti Systems founder Jignesh Patel worked with the Atlanta Streetcar to explore the return of the electric streetcar to Peachtree Street and support various Mobile Solutions, including a mobile ticketing solution. Jignesh led a team of consultants that helped the agency with technology specifications development, vendor selection and implementation of the Mobile Ticketing Fare Payment System.

Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) – Transit Asset Management
The Niti Systems founder Jignesh Patel performed an assessment of the Transit Asset Management (TAM) needs, State of Good Repair (SGR) and ISO 55000 Draft International Standards for Asset Management at GRTA. Subsequently, our team helped GRTA implement a TAM solution along with the SGR database.

Jacksonville Transportation Authority – Systems Engineering Support for U2C
In one-of-a-kind Connected Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) pilot for the JTA Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Niti Systems Consultants helped the agency with development of a technology roadmap, architecture definition, systems engineering support and planning for their Ultimate Urban Connecter (U2C) program. Our consultants provided technical expertise for their regional ITS architecture and enterprise system integration.

Gwinnett County – Comprehensive Transportation Plan
Niti Systems is supporting Gwinnett County with their Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) Update. The CTP Update will identify future transportation needs, projects that address those needs, and the advantages, costs, and potential funding sources for those projects. The CTP is paired with the Gwinnett County 2040 Unified Plan with an aim to define the long-term comprehensive vision for growth of the County, and a plan for investment in the County’s transportation system and other supporting infrastructure. The CTP will help the county plan for growth and needs for the near term, mid-range and long-range, with an ultimate horizon year of 2046.

San Francisco MTC – Governance Consultants Bench Contract
Niti Systems is supporting San Francisco MTC with strategies and recommendations to guide the recovery of public transit and its role in the region, as it adjusted to new conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are part of a pool of contract MTC selected to with various goals including – Improving Project-Level Governance, Support and Evaluation of Functional and Full Consolidations of Transit Agencies, Establishing New Sub-Regional and Regional Governance and Administration and Subject Matter Expertise (SME) to Multiple Areas of Transit Decision Making, Administration/Management and Operations.

Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) – Georgia Commute Options Program
The Niti Systems team supported ARC with their Georgia Commute Option (GCO) program evaluation effort. This Transportation Demand Management (TDM) effort for the Atlanta metropolitan area consists of software evaluation, integration planning, CRM System/Ride matching software market research and project management support. The ARC TDM program consists of marketing, employer/property manager outreach, commuter outreach, and a suite of commuter incentives, which operates as the regional TDM brand, and seven local Transportation Management Associations (TMA) operating within specific employment centers.

Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) – Regional Project Planning Database
Niti Systems consultants developed an efficient project database system for use by ARC team for project programming maintenance, generating project list reports, and regional federal fund balancing exercises. Our team performed an integration with GIS module to assist with visualizing the project locations. Our team performed a needs assessment, software technical review and functional review to create tailored recommendations for the system upgrade.

Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) – I70 Truck Automation Corridor
Niti Systems is part of the Team selected for the Interstate 70 (I-70) Truck Automation Corridor project which will be achieved by Drive Ohio program of the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT). Niti Systems provides the Systems Engineering, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Data Management and Technology Support to implement Truck Automation technologies such as Truck Platooning, Level 2 Automation and Level 4 Automation along the I-70 corridor between Columbus, Dayton and Indianapolis.

National Transit Institute (NTI) – Regional ITS Architecture Training
Niti Systems founder Jignesh Patel worked with National Transit Institute (NTI) to develop and deliver a training course for the regional ITS architecture. The version of the architecture combines pieces from the Connected Vehicles Reference Implementation Architecture (CVRIA). Jignesh developed various use cases (Services Packages) for emerging mobility solutions and the content for a 2-day training course.

Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) – Regional ITS Architecture
Helping the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) develop a Regional ITS Architecture, Jignesh Patel supported the effort with an emerging technology assessment, regional ITS deployment review, and identification for the pilot projects based on the emerging mobility concepts such as multi-modal transportation integration and Mobility as-a-Service.

Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) Ultimate Urban Circulator U2C BRT
In one-of-a-kind Connected Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) pilot for the JTA Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Niti Systems Consultants helped the agency with development of a technology roadmap, architecture definition, systems engineering support and planning for their Ultimate Urban Connecter (U2C) program. Our consultants provided technical expertise for their regional ITS architecture and enterprise system integration.

New York Metropolitan Transit Authority – Asset Management System Integration
Niti Systems founder Jignesh Patel supported New York MTA on an asset management project implementation for 6 agencies including Department of Buses, Department of Subways, Long Island Railroad (LIRR), Metro North Railroad (MNR), Bridges and Tunnels and MTA Headquarter. The scope of work was to integrate asset management systems across all five agencies, deploy an integrated asset management solution, and create common business processes.

Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) Vehicle Technology Procurement
Acting as the interim CIO for the Jacksonville Transportation Authority, Niti Systems founder Jignesh Patelled an in-depth assessment of allJTA in-vehicle technology systems. The agency was in the middle of modernizing their vehicle technology portfolio with a new Smartcard bases Fare Collection system, new Real-Time Passenger Information (RTPI) system, New Mobile Ticketing based Electronic Payment System, new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Automated Vehicle Locator (AVL) system. Jignesh led the effort for a current state assessment, opportunity report, market condition report, peer agency assessment, technical specifications creation, procurement support and project management. Each of these projects were completed successfully on time and within budget.

Atlanta Area Transit Link Authority (ATL) General Planning and Technology Services
Niti team has been selected by theAtlanta Region Transit Link Authority (ATL)for a General Planning and Technical Services contract. ATL plays a key role for Atlanta Region’s transit landscape by managing the collaboration of transit efforts in the region. The contract is aimed at strengtheningATL’s purpose with five functional areas:
Coordinate Regional Partners
Strengthen Regional Transit Planning and Performance
Advance Strategic Transit Investments
Enhance Customer Service
Deliver Innovative and Best Practices in Transit

Tennessee Department of Transportation (DOT) Traffic Operations and TSMO
Niti team has been selected by the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TNDOT)for a contract to support them with Traffic Engineering & Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O)Planning Services.The scope for this contract involves professional engineering services pertaining toTSM&O planning services, such as:
Macro/Meso,/Microsimulation AnalysesActive Arterial Management Studies, Integrated Corridor Management Studies, Freight Studies·Transit Studies,Road Diet Studies and Guidance
Macro/Meso/ Microsimulation Analyses, 3D Visualizations, GIS Applications, Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Technology Studies, Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Studies, Economic Impact Analysis, Emissions Analysis, Manual/Guidelines Development or Rewrites, Develop or Edit Standard Drawings/Special Provisions, Grant Proposals, Develop/Present Training to TDOT staff, TSMO Program Plan update and maintenance, TSMO Service Layer Plans and updates, Develop Strategic Project Plan, Traffic Incident Management (TIM) guidance, TIMTraining, Work Zone Studies and guidance, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Signage and Pavement Marking guidance.

State Road and Toll way Authority – Toll Systems Support
Niti Staff members supported SRTA with various toll systems implementation and support. Our team helped agency with migration of various back-office systems to a common platform as part of the technology infrastructure setup for the office relocation support. Our team supported SRTA with the Peach Pass tolling back-office system maintenance, integration, and enhancements.

MARTA AFCS 2.0 and CRM System Integration
Niti Systems is supporting MARTA with assessment, recommendation and implementation of a new Fare Collection System named AFC 2.0. The AFC 2.0 Project is aimed at modernizing MARTA’s ageing closed loop, smartcard based regional Automated Fare Collection (AFC) system with a modern, flexible, open loop and account-based fare payment system. The system features smart media processors on faregates, on board surface vehicles, handheld devices, fare vending, point of sale devices, a central data collection and reporting system, and customer relationship management systems.
The Phase 1 of AFC 2.0 effort involved an in-depth assessment of MARTA’s current fare collection system – including hardware, software, fare media, business processes, data quality, regional setup, clearing and settlement and other components. A key component of this exercise was to review the MARTA Customer Service center processes and system. MARTA’s current CRM deployment is fragmented; with over 7 different systems used across the agency to manage customer engagement. Niti team is helping MARTA with efforts to consolidate many of these systems with an “Enterprise CRM” that will integrate with the AFC 2.0 CRM. The Enterprise CRM will replace these fragmented systems to consolidate the customer data in one system and provide a 360º view.

National Transit Institute – Multiple Training Development and Delivery
Niti consultants helped National Transit Institute (NTI) with development and delivery multiple training courses including Regional Intelligent Transportation Systems Architecture, Transit Technologies, Systems Engineering Approach for Transit Systems, Project Management for Transit Professionals, Performance Based Planning, and others.

Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) First Coast Flyer
Niti CEO Jignesh Patel the Jacksonville Transportation Authority for a complete system redesign called Route Optimization Initiative, ROI. This massive BRT initiative was aimed at improving regional
mobility and to provide more frequent, more direct, and more reliable service to the greater geographical area in the largest land mass city in the USA. As part of the JTA IT Department, the team worked closely with the Planning and Operations departments to design, engineer and build a Bus Rapid Transit initiative, appropriately branded “The First Coast Flyer” FCF/BRT that provides a shorter wait time between buses on specific routes throughout the greater Jacksonville area. On technology front, our team supported JTA with assessment, recommendation, technical specifications and procurement support for various ITS components such as CAD/AVL,
Communication Systems, Transit Signal Priority, Surveillance Systems, Scheduling System and more. JTA has successfully implemented the Green Line and the Blue Line for the downtown area. This ROI project has greatly helped the JTA customers with transportation options that allow a timelier transit experience.